AI Robot Training System for SENs


Dyslexia is one of the learning difficulties in Special Education Needs (SENs). 10% of the world’s population are suffered from dyslexia. Without early intervention, students with dyslexia may encounter learning consequences in different extent, such as learning drawbacks and emotional issues. In order to solve this problem, we are collaborating with different organizations to develop an AI Robot Training System for SENs. Simultaneously, we conduct research together with various local institutions. Through data analytics, we want to improve the effectiveness. 

Through the collaboration among industry, education industry and academia, we want to provide early intervention to kids. Let’s work together to overcome the learning weaknesses.

In addition, AI Robot Training System can also support Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students and mainstream students. Our system can support English and Mandarin as well.

Our Objectives

    • Through AI technology, we provide early intervention to students with SENs


    • Through our customized software system, it can consolidate students’ learning foundation step by step


    • Encourage students to learn independently (learning autonomy) and provide guidance and teaching support to parents and teachers


  • Embrace an inclusive, equal and quality educational opportunity

Our Product

Vocabulary Recognition Ability

Image Vocabulary Association Ability

Situational Association Ability

Vocabulary Volume Size Training

Daily Vocabulary Learning

Support and Recognition